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Exodraft’s flange systems are used when installing an Exodraft chimney fan on steel chimneys, ensuring a stable and secure transition from the chimney to the chimney fan.

Using flanges also avoids the need to mount the chimney fan using angle brackets, preventing a steel-to-steel solution that could cause unwanted noise and vibrations. The flange is supplied with four vibration dampers, which reduce vibrations between the chimney fan and the chimney, providing a flat and stable base for the chimney fan to rest on.

The flanges are available in square and octagonal solutions for steel chimneys and come in a wide range of standard sizes to fit most chimney openings.

Flange FR is suitable for chimney fans with a square base plate, and flange FR-02 is suitable for chimney fans with an octagonal base plate.

The flange is made of stainless steel EN 1.4301/304.

Mounting accessories

Exodraft’s products are designed to have a long lifespan.

Using our chimney fans in combination with original accessories from Exodraft ensures that the solution always fits together.

We offer the following mounting accessories for our chimney fans:

  • Cover plates for both brick and steel chimneys.
  • Rain shield to protect against heavy rain.
  • Mandatory isolation switch (for disconnecting power during cleaning/service).
  • Vibration dampers that minimize the transfer of vibrations from the chimney fan to the chimney/building.
  • Adjustment screws used for the safe and stable installation of the chimney fan.

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