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Continuous Max. Temperature

400 °C

Reduction in the number of particles


Reduction of particle mass


*at 35°C condensed smoke gas (NS3058-2)


Cleaning Function (self-cleaning)

The system

State-of-the-art Solution for a Healthier Indoor and Outdoor Climate

Integrated Chimney Fan

The integrated chimney fan functions as a mechanical ventilator, which always ensures optimal draught in the chimney to facilitate the ignition process.

High Voltage Electrode Captures Particles

The filter uses a high voltage electrode to capture smoke gas particles that are 1000 times smaller than a human hair. Here they are dissolved, and the risk of associated diseases from the particles is reduced.

Self-Cleaning Function

The Exodraft ESP-10 filter has an automatic cleaning function designed to remove all excess particles inside the filter during combustion, so the filter does not need to be cleaned manually.

Product description

The Exodraft ESP-10 particle filter is designed and developed as an electrostatic filter, with an integrated chimney fan at the top. The integrated chimney fan functions as a mechanical ventilator, which always ensures optimal draught in the chimney to facilitate the ignition process. This solution simultaneously reduces smoke emission in the living room if the stove door is open during re-firing. By having mechanical draught, the need for the chimney’s natural draught, which is dependent on the weather, is eliminated.

The particle filter is designed to remove and reduce the majority of the health-damaging ultrafine particles emitted by the smoke gas from the wood stove or fireplace. The wood stove filter reduces the number of particles by 95% (fine and ultrafine particles) and reduces the total particle mass by 70-75%*.

The filter is equipped with an automatic self-cleaning function and is designed to reduce emissions from wood stoves and fireplaces, as well as to facilitate the ignition process. The particles are captured in the electrostatic charge, causing them to adhere to the collection grid. The self-cleaning function burns off the majority of the particles, after which the rest are released for combustion in the wood stove or fireplace. This avoids manual cleaning of the filter.

In countries where there are legal requirements for chimney sweeps to have access to the chimney from the roof of the building, it is possible to install a cleaning hatch between the chimney and the particle filter.

The particle filter is installed on top of the chimney, where the smoke gas temperature is the coldest, and uses a high voltage electrode to capture the particles. The ESP-10 filter can tolerate smoke gas temperatures up to 400 °C.

The majority of emitted smoke gas particles have a size of less than 0.1 μm, which is 1000 times smaller than a human hair. The human throat captures only particles larger than 2.5 μm, which means that smaller particles continue to the lungs and blood vessels, where they can cause asthma, breathing problems, inflammation, and other health damage.

Exodraft’s particle filter captures and eliminates both fine and ultrafine particles, removing the risk of associated diseases from the particles.

The ESP-10 filter comes with an integrated isolation switch and a 5-meter cable with open wires for a contact switch.

The filter is designed for fireplaces and wood stoves with a nominal heat output of 10kW.

Automatic On/Off Function:

The Exodraft ESP-10 filter is equipped with a built-in temperature sensor, which allows for automatic start/stop control. The filter is activated as soon as the fireplace is lit and the temperature sensor detects a rise in temperature. The ignition is activated after 10-30 seconds, depending on the chimney solution.

When no more wood is added to the fireplace, the chimney temperature will drop. When the temperature falls below 40 °C, the filter will continue to operate for 30 minutes, after which it switches to sleep mode.

Available Mounting Accessories:

  • Adapter for mounting on steel and masonry chimneys.
  • Flange for stabilization on masonry chimneys.

*Measurements carried out according to the Norwegian standard NS3058, which provides the most valid results of emitted emissions.

Technical data

ProductHeight (mm)Width (mm)Weight wo. adaptor (kg)
Particle filter ESP-1095026513
Data sheets
245 KB

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